Maker Versus Manager Schedule
Here's something interesting I read about recently: the difference between manager and maker schedules.
A Reading Tracker App That Actually Makes You Want to Read More (Spoiler: It’s Not Goodreads)
I read a lot. It is not unusual for me to have three or four books on the go and a few on hold. Some books are on Kindle; others are audiobooks. I often lose track of what I am reading (especially on Kindle), so I have been looking for a tracking tool.
Struggling to Manage Your To-Do List? This Tiny Change Will Get You On Top of Your Workload Once and for All
How come deadlines still seem to take you by surprise, and you end up rushing to complete things on time?
One Common Mistake You're Making With Your Morning and Evening Routines and How to Avoid It
Internet Wisdom suggests that morning and evening routines solve all productivity problems. It makes sense. But…
Could This One Tiny Change to How You Write Emails Make You More Productive and Less Stressed?
Email is crucial for professional communication in today's digital age. Yet, reading and processing the enormous number of emails we receive daily drains time and energy, making us more stressed and less productive. While we cannot immediately reduce the volume and increase the quality of the emails we receive, we can improve the emails we send.
What Would Happen if Taking Breaks Was Your Top Priority?
The benefits of taking regular breaks throughout your day are well documented. And yet, we struggle to take them.
What Have Spoons Got to Do With Chronic Illness, Mental Health, and Wellbeing?
Christine Miserandino, a blogger, invented Spoon Theory to explain what it is like to live with chronic illness.
What is the Difference Between Toxic Productivity and Wellbeing-Driven Productivity?
What are toxic productivity and wellbeing-driven productivity?
A Simple Model for Understanding (and Preventing) Burnout
I've just read The Ultimate Burnout Guide by Fung and Chin. Here are my main takeaways.
Four Reasons Why Getting a Dog Was the Best Thing I Ever Did for My Mental and Physical Health
In February 2015, I chartered a private plane to Wales to collect my first dog - a tiny Cavachon puppy named Penny.
Ten Ways to Find Time to Read More (When You Don’t Have Any Time)
Want to read more? Read on...
Five Productivity Strategies for People Who Are Neurodivergent (or Think They Might Be)
I've always approached productivity differently. I prioritise my wellbeing over everything else - as a result, I am highly efficient.
How to Find the Time to Do the Things You Want to (Even When You Are Crazy Busy)
Have you ever struggled to make time to do something?
Seven Ways to Practice Mindfulness When You’re Not Very Good at It
Mindfulness is good for us - that's what the research says. Unfortunately, for some, it is really difficult.
Six Simple Creative Activities to Try (When You’re Not Feeling Creative and Your Mental Health Needs a Boost)
Research tells us that doing something creative - particularly making something - can improve our mental health.
The Most Important Tool in Your Wellbeing-Driven Productivity Toolkit
The most important tool in my wellbeing–driven productivity toolkit is (spoiler alert: it is not a fancy app)…