Five Productivity Strategies for People Who Are Neurodivergent (or Think They Might Be)
I've always approached productivity differently. I prioritise my wellbeing over everything else - as a result, I am highly efficient.
How to Find the Time to Do the Things You Want to (Even When You Are Crazy Busy)
Have you ever struggled to make time to do something?
Seven Ways to Practice Mindfulness When You’re Not Very Good at It
Mindfulness is good for us - that's what the research says. Unfortunately, for some, it is really difficult.
Six Simple Creative Activities to Try (When You’re Not Feeling Creative and Your Mental Health Needs a Boost)
Research tells us that doing something creative - particularly making something - can improve our mental health.
The Most Important Tool in Your Wellbeing-Driven Productivity Toolkit
The most important tool in my wellbeing–driven productivity toolkit is (spoiler alert: it is not a fancy app)…
How to Develop a Wellbeing-First Mindset and Why it is Essential
Think for a moment about the number of times you have sacrificed your wellbeing for others. How did that work out?
We All Need to be Better at Meetings – Here's How
Do you ever feel like you spend half your life in meetings, many of which could have been an email? You aren't alone.
Eight Tools to Supercharge Your Personal and Professional Learning
A philomath is someone who loves learning. I’m definitely a philomath, which is a wonderful thing, but there is also a downside. I never have enough time for all the learning I want to do. However, I have found tools to streamline and supercharge my personal and professional learning process. Here are eight of them:
Why Saying No is an Essential Investment in Your Wellbeing and How to Do It
Learning to say no might be the most important investment you make in your wellbeing, ever.
Nine Simple Ways to Reduce Email Anxiety
Email anxiety is real - for many, it is a huge stress trigger. I'm one of those people. Or at least, I was. My relationship with email has drastically improved because I have established clear boundaries. Here are nine ways you can reduce email anxiety.
A New, Sustainable Approach to Inbox Zero
My email inbox makes me anxious. I manage this anxiety and have done so for years by practising Inbox Zero... or at least a version of Inbox Zero.